Dicono di lui...

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  1. wmiclaudia

    User deleted

    Sezione dedicata a ciò che hanno detto di colleghi, registi, giornalisti e chissà chi altro...
    Postate solo cose provenienti da fonte certa e ricordatevi di accreditare la fonte. Non sono ammesse indiscrezioni e "voci di corridoio".

    Dicono di lui:

    ”He's sweet, intense...a scholar...a king, a prince, a knight”
    ”Wentworth had a shaved head and we are playing brothers and we've kind of got similarly shaped big melons” Dominic Purcell

    ”He is..., if every leading man I work with the rest of my life is as kind and articulate and sexy and everything else”
    ”Wentworth's a dream to work with” Sarah Wayne Callies

    “He's somewhat like Clint Eastwood and Steve McQueen.
    He's got that mysterious side to him, he's completely cool on the surface and you don't know what' going on inside” Peter Stormare

    ”I think the show is so cool and Wentworth [Miller, who plays Michael] is like the ‘hot guy’ on television this year. He's adorable, too. He's just so cute. And sweet. Wentworth has that star quality that elevates the show. I find him really attractive” Patricia Wettig

    ”Wentworth has this coolness about him-that Steve McQueen vibe.
    He liked the guy's thousand-yard stare. And he had intelligence, which is different from most good-looking young actors. It's a complex role.
    I don't even know if Sean Penn could play that part”
    Brett Ratner (Prison Break Executive Producer)

    ”I don't think it could have happened to a nicer guy. He was prepared for it.
    He's been around knocking on doors for, like, 10 years. It's not like he's an 18-year-old kid. He's just a really smart, together guy. It sounds like I'm just saying that, but I don't think that about everybody” Robin Tunney

    ”He's an old fashioned movie-star gentleman” Jennifer Love Hewitt

    ”Some people come into the room and you just feel the difference, I found him incredibly compelling, mysterious and sexy at the same time. Some people can play mysterious, but some people just are. Wentworth is that guy”
    Dawn Parouse (Prison Break Executive Producer)

    “I did love working with Wentworth. He’s really an extraordinary, interesting young man"
    Anna Devere Smith (Wentworth's co-star in Human Stain)

    Fonte: Freefans

    "Come attore è bravissimo. E' pacato e riservato, è entrato in parte in 5 secondi. Chapeau!" - Pietro Baroni per Càctus (Flickr)

    Edited by wmiclaudia - 1/4/2008, 00:05
  2. Miss Scofield

    User deleted

    Dicono di lui..chè l'ottavo uomo più sexy del mondo :*_*:

    Il sito inglese Inter Women ha stilato una classifica dei 100 uomi più sexy del mondo.
    Pur essendo ovvio per noi che Miller doveva occupare la prima posizione, per loro (o chi ha votato) è all'8° posto.

    Inter Women - WM 8° posto

    Fonte: Excomm, Thanks to milana

    Edited by Miss Scofield - 2/5/2008, 13:43
  3. samy_antha

    User deleted

    Chissà come mai il primo è Jude Law.... <_<
  4. saska

    User deleted

    Be, ottavo posto non e` male, ma per Jude Law... stendo un velo...
  5. samy_antha

    User deleted

    Lo so Saska, ma essendo lui inglese e il sito che ha stilato è inglese...non potevano che mettere lui!!!! In quel senso lo dicevo... ;)
  6. balumina

    User deleted

    io ho trovato che al 1^ posto c'è Colin Firth, e jude è al 2^... ma non sarà mica 1 classifica in via di sviluppo.. :?:
    comunque per questi due tutto sommato posso passarci su, perchè mi piacciono, ma il dato veramente scandaloso è David Tennant al 3^!!! ma chi è? ...come ha fatto ad arrivare al 3^ posto <_< ?
    :uhm: le inglesi barano! :shifty: o non ci vedono bene!!

    Edited by balumina - 2/5/2008, 21:29
  7. wmiclaudia

    User deleted

    Mo vabbè vabbè... l'ottavo posto a Miller, facendo una immane fatica si potrebbe anche riuscire a comprendere...
    Ma Colin Farrell al 23°?!?!?! Cos'è uno scherzo?!
    @Balumina... le inglesi non ci vedono bene, è ovvio!
  8. saska

    User deleted

    Va be, almeno Wentuccio e` tra i primi 10... per i prossimi poll lui sara` primo...
  9. Rally Girl 33

    User deleted

    TVGuide.com: What was harder — getting in Dominic Purcell's face or being mean to Wentworth Miller?
    O'Keefe: [Laughs] Being mean to Went is always hard. He's such a great guy and so sweet and funny and considerate. He's a lovely human being to be around.

    fonte spoilertv
  10. Jackie sparrow 93

    User deleted

    più leggo queste cose più lo amo!! :wub: :wentlove:
  11. CristinaMiller

    User deleted

    Ai tempi di Ghost Whisperer
    JENNIFER LOVE HEWITT was so attracted to actor WENTWORTH MILLER during the filming of an episode of US TV show GHOST WHISPERER she instantly wanted to kiss him. Miller, best known for starring in PRISON BREAK, played a deceased soldier on the show and Love Hewitt was so taken with the hunk she longed to change the script so they could enjoy some onscreen romance. She says, "It was impossible not to want to make out with the dead guy. As soon as he walked into the trailer, I was like: 'Now, how do we kiss the soldier?' "Wentworth was so talented and beautiful. He's an old-fashioned CLARK GABLE-type movie star gentleman. "He's the one person I wish could've been a regular on the show. I'd have loved it so much every day."


    Grazie a seerz per la segnalazione
  12. balumina

    User deleted

    colpita e affondata :P eheh
    comunque lo rassomiglia a Clark Gable e devo dire che fin ora è l'associazione più azzeccata, stessi modi eleganti da vero gentleman, stesso fascino
    brava jen :clap:
    beh went è più bello però...
  13. CristinaMiller

    User deleted

    Bruna Tenorio:Wentworth Miller is a supersimpatico ;)
    grazie a STN per il link
  14. MISA**

    User deleted

    Grazie Cri :)

  15. Flo;

    User deleted

    CITAZIONE (Miss Scofield @ 2/5/2008, 12:31)
    Dicono di lui..chè l'ottavo uomo più sexy del mondo :*_*:

    Per me potrebbe essere pure il primo!
18 replies since 29/3/2008, 16:25   551 views